The result of the present computation depended on the partial results before it, so in each successive recursive call, we pass those results forward. 当前计算的结果依赖于之前的部分结果,所以,在每次后续递归调用中,我们向前传递那些结果。
After the recursive call completes, we add the value of the current node to the results of the recursive call. 递归调用之后,我们将当前节点的值加到递归调用的结果上。
Then we'll return a new Map ( made up of the newly created Map and the Map returned from the recursive call) to optionsToMap. 然后,将一个新的Map(由新创建的Map和从递归调用返回的Map组成)返回到optionsToMap。
In many respects, you can think of xsl: apply-templates as a recursive call into the stylesheet itself! 在很多方面,可以认为xsl:apply-templates是对样式表自身的递归调用!
It uses a recursive approach to retry the call three times in case of system-level database connection problems. 在出现系统级别数据库连接问题时,它会使用递归方法三次重新尝试进行调用。
To make a recursive call, you must either code the RECURSIVE clause ( or attribute) in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph of the recursively called program or specify the THREAD compiler option. 要执行递归调用,必须在以递归方式调用的程序的PROGRAM-ID段落中编写RECURSIVE子句(或属性),或指定THREAD编译器选项。
If you evaluate print_report_i, you will see that there is nothing further that happens in the function after the recursive call. 如果仔细观察printreporti,您会发现在函数中递归调用之后没有再进一步发生任何事情。
That expression is a recursive call to lazy-seq-fibo, but this time, it is calling the two argument case, passing in0 and1 to it. 该表达式是对lazy-seq-fibo的一个递归调用,不过这次,它调用的是有两个参数的情况,并向其传递0和1。
In this case, it lets you maintain the y coordinate value, passing an updated y value to the next recursive call of the line template. 在本例中,它允许您维护y坐标值,从而将更新后的y值传递给下一次递归调用的line模板。
You need to do this because your parameter will get clobbered on the recursive function call, and you will need access to it afterwards. 之所以需要这么做是因为参数会在递归函数调用上被截断,而以后却还需要访问它。
If the Group name matches another Ruleset, a recursive call attempts to further decompose the string ( this was true for the an: fields element that appeared in the examples in the last column). 如果Group名称与另一个Ruleset相匹配,那么递归调用就尝试进一步分解字符串(对于上一篇专栏文章示例中的an:fields元素,也是这么做的)。
From there, each successive recursive call uses the parameters as new values. 从那里开始,每一次后续的递归调用都使用那些参数作为新的值。
If the string has not been entirely consumed by the regular expression, a recursive call processes the remainder. 如果正则表达式没有完全处理完字符串,那么对未处理完的字符串继续应用递归调用。
When we converted our loop to a recursive function, the recursive call was the last thing that the function did. 当我们将循环转化为递归函数时,递归调用是函数所做的最后一件事情。
The difference is that with recursive functions, you rarely have to modify any variable& you just pass the new values as parameters to the next function call. 区别在于,使用递归函数极少被迫修改任何一个变量&只需要将新值作为参数传递给下一次函数调用。
Designing and implementing a teaching-oriented C-like compiler, which supports the definition of local and global variables, function parameters, as well as recursive call of functions. 设计并实现了一个面向教学的类C编译器,支持全局或局部变量的定义、函数参数传递和函数递归调用。
If your logic does not require the operator procedure to call itself, then remove any recursive calls or replace them with statements that do not call their own procedure. 如果逻辑上不要求运算符过程调用自身,请移除任何递归调用,或将其替换为不调用自身过程的语句。
Application of recursive call of subprogram 子程序递归调用的应用
If not, store the faces and call approximative algorithm to get new outgoing faces, continue the recursive call from the new faces until all the reachable faces are found. 如否,则保存这些面,并从这些面出发调用近似算法来得到新的流出面,继续以新的流出面递归调用直至找出所有的可达面。
Some test cases, including complicated mathematical calculation programs, large scale sorting programs, and recursive call programs, are designed to test the simulation system. 一些复杂的测试用例,包括大量的数学计算程序和回归调用函数,被设计测试仿真系统。